Premium Attendant (formerly ENA SmartVoice Premium)
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Premium Attendant (formerly ENA SmartVoice Premium)

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Access Attendant Settings

Through Administrator portal

Click the Attendants icon on the Home page of your Administrator portal or click Attendants in the left menu. Click View attendant settings in the Actions drop-down.

Through User portal

Login to the User portal with the 10-digit number and the account password for the UCaaS Premium Attendant.

If your Premium Attendant is an extension only number, and not a direct dial number with an area code and 7 digits, the 10-digit number includes the prefix for your business group. You see the full 10-digit number under the Lines tab in your Administrator portal.

Create and Configure Schedule Periods

Click Schedule.


Your Premium Attendant is pre-loaded with a 24/7/365 schedule period named All other times. If you are going to use a single announcement and set of options for callers, this is the only schedule period you need.

If you want caller to hear a different message and have different options depending on the time of day:

  1. Click Add New Period.
  2. Type in the name for the new schedule period.
  3. Click Ok.
  4. With the new schedule period selected on the left, use your mouse to paint in the hours you would like to include in this schedule period.
  5. Click Apply.
    In the default view, the schedule shows in hour increments. Click Zoom In to show the schedule in 15 minute increments and Zoom Out to toggle back to viewing the schedule in hour increments.
Each schedule period must be assigned a menu.

Create and Configure Menus and Announcements

Menus are where you define what action will happen when a caller presses a specific key. Each menu is assigned an opening announcement.

You can create a menu from the Schedule tab or the Menu tab.

To create a menu from the Schedule tab:

  1. Highlight the schedule period for which you would like to create the new menu.
  2. Click Create New Menu from the During this period, use this menu: dropdown.
  3. Type in the name of the new menu.
  4. Click Ok.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Click the Menus tab and highlight the new menu. Open the Menu announcement drop down and select an existing announcement or create a new one. You can, but do not have to, record the announcement at this time.
  7. Click Apply.

To create a new menu from the Menus tab.

  1. Click Menus.
  2. Click Add New Menu.
  3. Enter menu Name.
  4. Before configuring the menu any further, the system requires you to assign an announcement to the menu. To do this, open the Menu announcement drop down and select an existing announcement or create a new one. You can, but do not have to, record the announcement at this time.
  5. Click Apply.

Define actions when caller presses key

  1. Under the Menus tab, click the menu for which you would like to define key actions.
  2. Click Keys.
  3. From the dropdown menu by each key, select the option you would like to assign to it. Fill out any fields that pop up for the selection. For example, when you choose Transfer to Phone you see a field to select or enter the number to which you would like the caller to be transferred when they press that key.
     Repeat this step for all the keys you want to program.
  4. Click Apply.

Repeat these steps for all schedule periods and their associated menus and announcements.

Available key actions are shown in the table below.

Key OptionDescription

Use Default

Key is programmed for whatever you set as the default action in the Advanced settings tab.

Transfer to Phone

When caller presses key, is transferred to a designated extension or number. Number can be internal or external.

Transfer to Voicemail

When caller presses key, is transferred to the voicemail of designated extension. Number must be internal.

Dial by Extension

When caller presses key, hears system announcement to enter the extension of party would like to reach.

Rather than press a key for Dial by Extension, you may offer callers the option to Dial by Extension at any time.

Dial by Name

When caller presses key, accesses Dial by Name directory.

In order for a name to appear in the Dial by Name directory, the voicemail for that extension must be set up.

Voicemail by Extension

When caller presses key, hears system announcement to enter the extension of party would like to reach.

Once extension is entered, caller is immediately connected to the recipient's voicemail.

Voicemail by Name

When caller presses key, accesses Dial by Name directory.

Once name is entered, caller is immediately connected to the recipient's voicemail.

In order for a name to appear in the Dial by Name directory, the voicemail for that extension must be set up.

Intercept Mailbox

When caller presses key, is transferred to mailbox configured in Other Settings in the Advanced tab.

Go to Menu

When caller presses key, accesses another Premium Attendant menu which you designate. This is how you create a tree structure for your Premium Attendant.

Return to Previous Menu

When caller presses key, hears previous menu. If there is no previous menu, caller hears current menu.

Replay Menu

When caller presses key, hears current menu.

Announcement - Return

When caller presses key, hears designated announcement. When announcement is finished, hears menu announcement.

Announcement - Hang up

When caller presses key, hears designated announcement. When announcement is finished, Premium Attendant hangs up.

Hang up

Premium Attendant hangs up.

Record or Upload Announcements

With UCaaS, you are able to:

  • Record announcements via any service-provided phone in your system on which voicemail has already been set up
  • Record announcements via a phone outside of your UCaaS system (e.g., your cell, home, etc.)
  • Record announcements from your computer using the record feature in the Premium Attendant portal
  • Upload a pre-recorded announcement

Record announcement from a phone

  1. Access voicemail from any service-provided phone on which voicemail has already been set up.
  2. When asks for PIN, press the star key (*).
  3. When asks for area code and phone number, enter the 10-digit number for the Premium Attendant, followed by the pound key (#).
    If your Premium Attendant is an extension only number, and not a direct dial number with an area code and 7 digits, the 10-digit number includes the prefix for your business group. You see the full 10-digit number under the Lines tab in your Administrator portal.
  4. Enter the PIN and press the pound key (#).
  5. Select option 1, “Change premium attendant configuration.”
  6. Select option 2, “Edit announcement."
  7. When hear “Please enter the number of the announcement you would like to record,” enter announcement number.
    You will find the announcement number under the Announcements tab in the Premium Attendant portal.
  8. Follow the prompts.

Record announcement from non-service provided phone

  1. Dial 877-675-1152.
  2. When asks for area code and phone number, enter the 10-digit number for the Premium Attendant, followed by the pound key (#).
    If your Premium Attendant is an extension only number, and not a direct dial number with an area code and 7 digits, the 10-digit number includes the prefix for your business group. You see the full 10-digit number under the Lines tab in your Administrator portal.
  3. Enter the PIN and press pound key (#).
  4. Select option 1, “Change premium attendant configuration.”
  5. Select option 2, “Edit announcement."
  6. When hear “Please enter the number of the announcement you would like to record,” enter announcement number.
    You will find the announcement number under the Announcements tab in the Premium Attendant portal.
    ENA-SmartVoice-AA-announcementNumber (1)
  7. Follow the prompts.

Record announcement using built-in recorder

  1. Connect a microphone to your computer and press the record button next to the announcement under the Announcements tab.
  2. Click the record button in the console and record your announcement.
  3. When you are done recording, click the stop button.
  4. Click Save.

Upload a pre-recorded announcement

  1. In the Announcements tab, click on the announcement for which you would like to upload an audio file.
  2. Select Upload Announcement from the drop down menu and follow the prompts.
    The audio file must be in a G711 WAV (8-bit, ulaw / alaw, mono, 8kHz), 16-bit PCM WAV (16-bit, PCM, mono, 16kHz) format.

Manage Extension Directories

Manage spoken name recordings

Each user is prompted to record his or her name when setting up voicemail. In order for a staff member to show up in the dial-by-name directory, they must have recorded a name the system can access.

In the Extensions tab, extensions for which a name was recorded have a green override or listen/change link under Spoken Name. If the user did not record a name, a red record link will display in that column. If necessary, you can record a user’s name from a computer with a microphone.


Exclude users from dial-by-name and dial-by-extension directories

By default, all extensions are included in the dial-by-name and dial-by-extension directories. You can specify extensions that are to be included or excluded in the directory.

If you are including fewer extensions than you are excluding, it is most efficient to select the extensions you want to include, then click Include Selected and vice versa. If you are only excluding a few extensions, it is most efficient to select those, and click Exclude Selected.

To include or exclude an extension:

  1. Check the box to the left of the extension number.
  2. Click Include Selected or Exclude Selected.

Turn on the option for caller to dial a party's extension at any time

The option for callers to enter their party's extension at any time during the announcement is turned off by default. If you would like to turn this option on for callers:

  1. Click the Extensions tab and scroll to the bottom.
  2. Open the options window by clicking, Callers are allowed to dial by extension only after selecting "Dial by Extension" menu option.
  3. Click at At any time.
  4. Click Apply.

Turn Premium Attendant On

When you are ready to turn your Premium Attendant on:

  1. Click Main.
  2. In Activation Status, click Turn ON.

Forward Calls to Premium Attendant to Another Number

You may forward calls to your Premium Attendant to another number (e.g., main office). To do this:

  1. In Activation Status under the Main tab, click this number is unreachable.
  2. Click Forward callers to:
  3. Enter the number.
  4. Click Apply.

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.