Content Filtering (formerly ENA WebSafe)
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Content Filtering (formerly ENA WebSafe)

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Article summary

Log in

  1. Point your browser to
  2. Enter your credentials.
  3. Select Content Filtering (formerly ENA WebSafe).


After login, a series of quick-glance charts will be presented on your dashboard page. These include:

  • Top 10 Visited Sites
  • Top 10 Blocked Sites
  • Top 10 Visited Categories
  • Top 10 Blocked Categories

Each of the dashboard widgets can be toggled to present data in a bar chart or table format using the View buttons at the top of each widget.

Time interval can be selected using the controls in the top left of each widget. Intervals include Today, Last 7 days, and Last 30 days.

Finally, all charts and tables can be downloaded using the download button on the top right of each widget.

Client Management

Policy Management

You can adjust your policy settings in the Policy Management area, found in the Client Management dropdown.

You can block or allow an entire list of websites in a specific category via Blocking by Category. For example, setting the social media category to ON will block access to,,, etc.

You can add an override to make an exception for individual urls within a category. For example, if you would like to block all social media sites except for YouTube, you turn blocking ON for the Social Networking Category, and then add an override allowing

Blocking by Category

Websites are grouped into specific categories by content.

To block or allow all the websites in a category, use the Allow/Deny radio buttons in the Blocking by Category area at the bottom of the page.

Once you make a change to a category, click Update and click OK in the dialogue box that appears.


Overrides block a specific URL in an allowed category or allow a specific URL in a blocked category.

Overrides List

Any URL you have specifically blocked or allowed in a policy appears in the Overrides List.

Export Overrides

Click Export Overrides to export the list to a CSV file.

Add Overrides

You can add an override for a single URL or multiple URLs at once. 


To add an override for a single URL, click Add single override, then do the following:

  1. Select URL from the Type drop-down menu.
  2. Enter the URL to override in the Add an Override field.
  3. Select Block or Allow from the Override Action drop-down menu.


You can add overrides for a batch of URLs by typing or copying a list into the URL List area or by uploading a CSV file under the Bulk option.

URL List

  1. Click Add overrides in bulk.

  2. Type or copy your list of URLs (one per line) in the URL List area.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the Validate section, review the action to take on each URL – select Allow or Block for each URL, or take bulk action on each selected URL.
  5. Click Add overrides.

Upload a CSV File

To prepare an Excel file for uploading to content filter:

  1. Enter URLs in Column A.
  2. Enter Block or Allow in Column B.

  3. Save the file.

To prepare a plain text editor file for uploading to content filter:

  1. Enter each URL on a separate line followed by a comma and either Block or Allow. Do NOT add a space after the comma.

  2. Save the data in the CSV file format.

Upload the CSV File

  1. Click Browse to upload a CSV file in the Add Overrides in Bulk window.

  2. Locate and select the CSV file you created.
  3. Click Upload.
  4. The Bulk Add URLs box containing the URLs imported displays. Review URLs and fix any errors using the Edit function in the window.
  5. Click Add Overrides to complete the process.

HTTPS Filtering

HTTPS filtering is enabled by default and is SNI-based only.

URL Lookup

URL Lookup shows you how a specific URL is categorized according to your Content Filtering policy.

Locating URLs

Select URL Lookup under Client Management in the left navigation bar.

  1. If your community has multiple content filtering policies, select the appropriate policy from the Policy drop-down menu at the top of the URL Lookup screen.
  2. Enter or paste one or more URLs in the URL(s) box.
  3. Click Search to look up the URLs you entered in the text box. To clear the text box, click Reset.

Invalid URLs

If a URL cannot be validated, you receive an Invalid URLs notification. Edit the URL to make it valid and click Save.

Delete the URL to remove it.

When you are finished, click Continue.

URL Lookup Results

The results table will populate with details related to each URL requested for lookup. The values provided are defined in the table below.

URLThe URL you looked up.
StatusTells you if the URL is Blocked or Allowed.
Status Decided By

Indicates the reason the URL was blocked or allowed. Reasons include:

  • Policy Categories Check - The status of the URL is determined by your policy's setting for the Category to which it belongs. For example, will be blocked if your policy blocks the Social Networking category.
  • Global List - Global List is an ENA-managed filtering list applicable to all customer policies.
  • Local List - The Local List is based on overrides you add. For example, if the Social Networking category is blocked, but you create and override for, the status of is decided by your Local List.

Click the information icon (!) to the left of each entry in the Status decided by column for more details on why the URL was blocked or allowed.

CategoriesHow the URL is categorized.

This column includes actions you can take in relation to the URL.

If the URL is blocked, you can choose to allow it. If the URL is allowed, you can choose to block it.

You can elect to apply the action (block or allow) to all of your filtering policies at once.

Blocking and Allowing Single URLs

  1. Check the Status column to see if a URL is blocked or allowed.
  2. To block an allowed URL, click Block at the end of the row in the Actions column. To allow a blocked URL, click Allow.

Blocking and Allowing Multiple URLs

To block or allow multiple URLs at once, click the check boxes to the immediate left of the URLs you want to override. Notice that a new set of actions display at the bottom right of the lookup results.

Blocking and Allowing URLs for Multiple Content Filtering Policies

  1. If your organization has multiple content filtering policies, apply the change to all policies by checking the All Customer Policies check box.
  2. Click Allow or Block in the Actions column.
  3. Click Apply Changes to save your changes.
  4. Cancel your changes by clicking Undo on the same row as the URL or by clicking Revert at the bottom of the page.
  5. If you apply your changes, the Override URLs box displays.
  6. To override the selected URL(s), click Override.
  7. To cancel the override, click Cancel.
  8. When you click Override, you may see an information icon (!) in the Status column. This means that there is more information available about your override. It's possible that the content filtering service encountered a problem with your override. Click the icon to view the information. If you need help, contact the CTAC.


View Audit capabilities by selecting Audit within the Client Management section of the navigation.

The Audit report includes information regarding changes to your content filtering policy, such as:

  • Content filtering overrides 
  • Category changes 
  • Changes to HTTPS filtering

If you have multiple policies, select the policy you would like to view using the top right Policy dropdown.

Accessing the Audit Report

After altering your content filtering policy, a dialog box will display asking if you wish to view the Audit report. To do so, click View Audit .

Exporting the Audit Report

You can export a CSV copy of the Audit report to view your policy's entire change history.

  1. Access the Audit report.
  2. Click the Export search records icon.
  3. The CSV version of the Audit report will export. The exported report reflects all changes to your content filtering policy and contains the same details as the on-screen report.

Audit Report Contents

The Audit report contains all changes made to your policy's content filtering. The Audit report is organized in columns. The contents of each column are described below.


Job ID Number

The Job ID Number is a unique identifying number for a specific content filtering policy change. If you need support, be sure to have this reference number available before contacting support.

Initiated On

The date and time the change was started.

Updated On

The date and time the change was completed. There may be a minimal delay while the change completes based on your network speed and demand. The change will not display in the Audit report until it is completed.


Log of the individual user that made the identified change to the policy.


Shows whether the job has completed, resulted in an error, or is pending.

Job Type

This is the Category of the change made – typically URL List change or a Category change.


Provides specific details on the change made to the policy

Filtering the Audit Report

It is possible to filter the Audit Report based on change status.

Select Pending, Completed, or Error from the Status drop down menu to see changes with the selected status.

In addition, the data presented in the report can be sorted within the portal using the arrows in the column headers.

Request Review

Legacy ENA WebSafe Pro or ENA WebSafe Classic may not be able to use the Request Review feature. Contact CTAC with any questions.

If a user in your organization attempts to access a website blocked by content filtering, a screen will appear, alerting the user that the site is blocked , and they have the option to request review if they believe the site should be permitted on the network.

You can view and manage user requests for websites to be unblocked in the Request Review area.

If you do not wish to review these requests, you have the option of directing these requests to ENA, where the CTAC will make the block/allow determination.

Viewing Requests

Use the Navigation Bar to access the list of requests that have been submitted by users in your organization.

You see all pending review requests. You can toggle between Pending requests and those that have been resolved. To view resolved review requests, click the History tab at the top of the review list.

Display pending requests by clicking the Pending tab.

Searching and Filtering Requests

Pending Requests

Select the Pending tab at the top of the review list to filter pending requests. Filter options include:

Submission Date (Start)Enter the date the review request was submitted or select it from the calendar. Search results will include review requests submitted on the date you enter and any date thereafter.
Submission Date (End)Enter the date the review request was submitted or select it from the calendar. Search results will include review requests submitted on the date you enter or before.
E-mailSearch results include review requests created using the e-mail address you enter.
UsernameThis is the username of the person who submitted the request.
Request ActionSelect Block or Allow from the drop-down menu to filter results.
StatusSelect Pending Review or Directed to ENA from the drop-down menu. URL - Search results include any review requests for the URL you enter.

Request History

You can filter resolved requests by using any of the fields at the top of the page. The fields on the History tab are similar to those on the Pending tab, but there are some differences. Be sure to select the History tab at the top of the review request list.

Submission Date (Start)Enter the date the review request was submitted or select it from the calendar. Search results will include review requests submitted on the date you enter and any date thereafter.
Submission Date (End)Enter the date the review request was submitted or select it from the calendar. Search results will include review requests submitted on the date you enter or before.
E-mailSearch results include review requests created using the e-mail address you enter.
UsernameThis is the username of the person who submitted the request.
Request ActionSelect Block or Allow from the drop-down.
StatusSelect Complete or Unverified Request from the drop-down menu.URL - Search results include any review requests for the URL you enter.
URLSearch results will include any review requests for the URL you enter.
Handler UsernameThis is the username of the person who resolved (blocked/allowed) the request.
ResolutionSelect Approved or Denied from the drop-down.

Processing and Resolving Review Requests

You can approve requests, deny requests, or direct them to ENA for resolution. 

The Review Request Table

Request NumberWhen a request is submitted, it is automatically assigned a ticket ID number.
NameThe name of the person who submitted the review request.
EmailThe e-mail address of the person who submitted the review request.
PhoneThe phone number of the person who submitted the review request.
SiteThe policy for which the review request was submitted.
Request TypeThe review request submitted will ask that a site be blocked or allowed. This column reflects their request.
URLThis is the URL for the site for which the customer submitted the review request.
Submission TimeThis reflects the date and time the review request was submitted.
StatusA status of Pending Review means the request is awaiting review. Directed to ENA means that the request has been forwarded to CTAC for review. You can change your Request Review settings to automatically forward all review requests to ENA, or you can manually forward requests one-at-a-time.
CategoryInformation in the Category column indicates how the site in question is classified for content filtering purposes.
DetailsClick View to see all available information regarding a review request.

Approving Requests

  1. To approve a request, click the Approve icon on the far right side of the review request in the table.
  2. You see the confirmation prompt. If you are sure you want to approve the override, click Apply. If not, click Close.

When you click Apply, the status changes to Complete, and the request is moved from the Pending table to the History table. The URL is added to the Overrides list for your policy.

Denying Requests

You can deny a single request, multiple requests, or all requests at once.

Denying a Single Request

  1. To deny a single request, click the Deny icon on the far right side of the table.
  2. You see the confirmation prompt. If you are sure you want to deny the override, click Apply. If not, click Close.

The request moves from the Pending table to the History table.

Denying Multiple Requests

  1. Check the box to the left of each request you wish to deny.
  2. Click Deny selected at the bottom right of the table.
  3. You see the confirmation prompt. If you are sure you want to deny the override, click Apply. If not, click Close.

The request moves from the Pending table to the History table.

Denying All Requests

  1. Check the box to the left of the column headings in the table. The boxes to the left of every review request will be checked.
  2. Click Deny selected at the bottom right of the table.
  3. You see the confirmation prompt. If you are sure you want to deny the override, click Apply. If not, click Close.

The request moves from the Pending table to the History table.

Directing Requests to ENA

  1. To direct a request to ENA, click the Direct to ENA icon on the far right side of the table.
  2. In the box that displays, click OK to send the request to ENA for processing.

The status of the request changes from Pending Review to Directed to ENA, and it will remain in the Pending table.

Promoting a Request from History to Pending

  1. Open the request review table.
  2. Select the History tab.
  3. Click the Promote to Pending icon in the far right column of the History table.
  4. You see the confirmation prompt. If you are sure you want to deny the override, click Apply. If not, click Close.
  5. The request moves to the Pending table. You will see a dialog box similar to the one below in the top right corner of the screen.

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