Bandwidth Utilization
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Bandwidth Utilization

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Article summary

Bandwidth Utilization

The Bandwidth Utilization application allows users to track and monitor aggregate bandwidth usage by site using industry-standard metrics. This information can be helpful in troubleshooting, planning future capacity requirements, and tracking utilization spikes.

Bandwidth Utilization information is available in two formats, an instant report or a scheduled report. Use the instructions below to run either report type. 

To get started in the Bandwidth Utilization app, you'll need to first log into your myENA account.

1. Point your browser to

2. Enter your credentials

3. Select Bandwidth Utilization application from the dashboard

Instant Reports

Instant reports are designed to provide an instant look at the bandwidth utilization at one or more sites over a period of time. When you enter the Bandwidth Utilization application you will be automatically directed to the Instant Report screen. To build your instant report, you will need to make a few selections as part of two overall steps, selecting a site and a reporting period. 


In this field, you will be able to select one or more specific sites or you can proceed with the default Overview option. For most organizations, this list will align with your physical locations, but depending on your network design you may see additional options in the drop-down menu. If you would like to run a bandwidth utilization report for all of your organization's sites simultaneously, you can choose the Select All option. 


The DNS field corresponds to the physical devices at a location. They will be named according to your network's specific details and design. The default option for this drop-down menu is also Overview and it can be selected if you are looking for a general overview of your site. 

Interfaces - TBD

After your site details have been selected, you will need to select reporting period details. 

Time Interval

The time interval defaults to today but it can be changed to either a preset or self-selected interval of time. To choose a preset time interval, click on the time interval box and choose a period of time from the list on the left side of the pop-up. To select your own interval of time, 

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