Account Management
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Account Management

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Article summary

Account Management is your gateway to securely access your services. Account Management also provides you with a method to verify your authorization to make changes to or request information about your accounts and services when communicating with the CTAC.

If your account is assigned the role of Manage, you may also use Account Management to manage other accounts within your organization.

Getting Started

New Customers

When you sign up for a product or service, you receive an email to Update Password. Click the link and follow the prompts.

Manage Your Profile


When you are logged into

  1. Click on your name.
  2. Click Profile.

Edit Account Name

To change the name that appears in the interface:

  1. Click Account.
  2. Type in the new first and/or last name you would like to use.
  3. Click Save.

Change Password

To reset your password:

  1. Click Password.
  2. Enter your current password in Password field.
  3. Type in your New Password.
  4. Retype your new password in Confirmation field.
  5. Click Save.


You may add an extra layer of security to your account by setting up two-factor authentication.

Once you have set up two-factor authentication, in addition to your network password, you will enter a time-based code pushed out to an app on your mobile device to log in.

Add two-factor authentication

  1. Click Authenticator.
  2. Install FreeOTP or Google Authenticator to your mobile device.
  3. Follow the setup steps in the app.
  4. Scan the QR code on the Authenticator page with Free OTP or Google Authenticator or click Unable to scan? to generate a key to manually enter.
  5. When you have successfully configured two-factor authentication, you see a Mobile authenticator configured message and it is added to the Configured Authenticators list.

Log in with two-factor authentication

  1. Enter your username and password in
  2. When prompted, enter the time-based code from FreeOTP or Google Authenticator.
  3. Click Log in.

Federated Identity

You may associate your account with a Google or Microsoft account. Once you have associated your account with a Google or Microsoft account, you may access when logged into a session with either of those accounts without having to sign in again.

Associate with Microsoft account

If you are already logged into a Microsoft account:

  1. Click Federated Identity.
  2. Click Add next to the Microsoft field.
  3. If prompted, grant permission for Microsoft to access your account.
  4. You see a random string of identifying characters associated with your account.

If you are not already logged into your Microsoft account:

  1. Click Federated Identity.
  2. Click Add next to the Microsoft field.
  3. Sign into your Microsoft account.
  4. You see a random string of identifying characters associated with your account.

Remove association with Microsoft account

  1. Click Federated Identity.
  2. Click Remove next to the Microsoft field.

Associate with Google account

If you are already logged into a Google account:

  1. Click Federated Identity.
  2. Click Add next to the Google field.
  3. You see the username of the account into which you are already logged in.

If you are not already logged into your Google account:

  1. Click Federated Identity.
  2. Click Add next to the Google field.
  3. Sign in to the Google account you would like to associate with your account.
  4. You see the username of that account in the Google field.

Remove association with Google account

  1. Click Federated Identity.
  2. Click Remove next to the Google field.

Support Code

When you purchase ENA by Zayo Services, you provide us with a list of staff members authorized to make changes to or request information about your accounts and services.

For your protection, when you or a staff member call into the support team with an account change or request for information, the Customer Service Engineer will ask you to verify your identity by providing the single-use code from the page, or the code created by scanning the QR code with FreeOTP or Google Authenticator.



Shows you all sessions you have open at that time and the IP from which that session originates.

Click Log out all sessions to end all your sessions.



Click Log to view details from your most recent sessions. Details include:

  • Date
  • Event
  • IP
  • Client
  • Details


Manage Your Organization's Accounts

If you are assigned the role of Manage in, you are able to do the following for organizations you manage in Account Management.

  • Add user accounts
  • Edit existing user accounts
  • Disable user accounts
  • View activity logs of user accounts

Access Account Management

Log into and click Account Management.

Your login steps will be slightly different from those shown in the video if you set up two-factor identification or federated identities.

Add User Account


  1. Click Users.
  2. Click anywhere on New user bar to open.
  3. Type in Email address.
  4. Type in Username.
  5. Type in First name.
  6. Type in Email address.
  7. Select user's Organization from drop down menu.
  8. If you want specify a site within your organization for which the user can view information, select it from the Site drop-down menu.
    If you want to associate the user with additional site(s) within your organization, you add those once the user is created.
  9. Click Create.
    Refresh your browser to see the new user in the Users list.

The added user receives an email with a link to create a new password. This link expires within 24 hours.

If the added user does not create a password before the link expires, the user may click Forgot Password on the login page to generate new link and email.

Add application roles

Once a user account is created, you specify applications that user can view or manage.

If you assign the Manage role for an application, you must also assign the View role.
The Manage role is not available for every application.

To specify applications a user can view or manage:

  1. Find the user in the Users list under the Users or Community tab.
  2. Click View details.
  3. In the Roles area, check View for an application to give that user the ability to open the application and view settings, reports, etc. Check Manage to give that user the ability to manage that application.


  1. Under the Roles tab, select the Application to manage from the drop-down.
  2. In the Manage column, check an application to give that user the ability to manage that application.
  3. In the View column, check an application to give that user the ability to open the application and view settings, reports, etc.

Edit User Account

Application roles

Add roles to user

  1. Find the user in the Users list under the Users or Community tab.
  2. Click View details.
  3. In the Roles area, check Manage to give that user the ability to manage the application. Check View to give the user the ability to open the application and view settings, reports, etc.


  1. Under the Roles tab, select the Application to manage from the drop-down.
  2. In the Manage column, check an application to give that user the ability to manage that application.
  3. In the View column, check an application to give that user the ability to open the application and view settings, reports, etc.

Remove role from user

  1. Find the user in the Users list under the Users or Community tab.
  2. Click View details.
  3. In the Roles area, uncheck Manage remove the ability to manage the application. Uncheck View to remove the ability to open the application and view settings, reports, etc.


  1. Under the Roles tab, select the Application to manage from the drop-down.
  2. In the Manage column, uncheck an application to remove the ability to manage that application.
  3. In the View column, uncheck an application to remove the ability to open the application and view settings, reports, etc.


Associate user with organization

  1. Find the user in the Users list under the Users or Community tab.
  2. Click View details.
  3. Select the organization you would like to add to the user from the Organization drop-down.
  4. Click Add.


  1. Click Community.
  2. Select the organization to which you would like to add the user from the Organization drop-down.
  3. Click Manage.
  4. In the Manage column, click Add.
    You see the community to which you are adding or removing a user under the Organization field.

Remove user's association to organization

If you remove a user's association to your organization, you no longer see or have access to that user's account. To remove the user's access to while keeping the user's account in the system, Disable the account.
  1. Find the user in the Users list under the Users or Community tab.
  2. Click View details.
  3. Click next to the organization from which you would like to remove the user's association.
  4. Click Remove.


  1. Click Community.
  2. Select the organization from which you would like to remove the user's association from the Organization drop-down.
  3. Click Manage.
  4. In the Manage column, click   Remove.
    If a user is associated with a specific site within the organization, they show as Not available at the organization level. You add or remove them at the site level.


Associate user with site within an organization

  1. Find the user in the Users list under the Users or Community tab.
  2. Click View details.
  3. Select the organization which includes the site with which you would like to associate the user from the Organization drop-down.
  4. Select the site with which you would like to associate the user from the Site drop-down.
  5. Click Add.


  1. Click Community.
  2. Select the organization to which you would like to add the user from the Organization drop-down.
  3. Select the site with which you would like to associate the user from the Site drop-down.
  4. Click Manage.
  5. In the Manage column, click Add.
    You see the community to which you are adding or removing a user directly under the Organization field.

Remove user's association to site within organization

  1. Find the user in the Users list under the Users or Community tab.
  2. Click View details.
  3. Click next to site from which you would like to remove the user's association.
    If a user is associated with a single site in your organization and you remove their association with that site, you remove their association with your organization. Their account no longer appears in your organization's user list, and is no longer available for you to manage.


  1. Click Community.
  2. Select the organization which includes the site from which you would like to remove the user's association from the Organization drop-down.
  3. Select the site from which you would like to remove the user's association from the Site drop-down.
  4. Click Manage.
  5. In the Manage column, click   Remove.
    You see the community to which you are adding or removing a user directly under the Organization field.
     If a user is associated with a single site in your organization and you remove their association with that site, you remove their association with your organization. Their account no longer appears in your organization's user list, and is no longer available for you to manage.

Disable/Enable User Account

Disable user account

When a user account is disabled, it remains in the database, however, it cannot be used to log in or access assigned services.

To disable a user account:

  1. Click Users.
  2. Find the user account you would like to disable.
  3. Click Disable.

Enable user account

When a user account is enabled, it may be used to log in and access assigned services.

To enable a user account which has previously been disabled:

  1. Click Users.
  2. Find the user account you would like to disable.
  3. Click Enable.

View User Access Logs

You are able to view Access Logs of actions taken by a user as well as a log of actions taken which affect a user.

You access logs from User Details or the Logs tab.

You may filter the Access Log data by the following parameters:


Subject user

User taking action

Affected user

User impacted by action


Application for which action is taken


The attribute or area in account management where an action is taken or change is made

Time Interval

The period of time you want to view, a week, a month, a day, etc.


How the web interface technically performed the action.

DELETE = Remove

GET= Retrieve

POST= Create

PUT= Update

Session ID

Unique identifier for a session starting from the point a user logged in and ending at the point a user logged out.

Click > to open up additional details for an Access Log entry.

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.